Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Almost a year at goal

I've been at goal for almost a year now.  Next week, I turn 55.  It's weird, I'm in better shape than I've ever been in my life.  I'm at a healthy weight, and my knees don't hurt like they did, even a year ago.  Granted, I spend about an hour a day at the gym, mostly doing cardio, but I actually feel good.  And the best part, I even like myself now.  Yeah, it's taken me 55 years to like myself.

The best compliment I've received this past year was "you wouldn't understand".  A co-worker was complaining about not being able to lose weight, and I asked her what she was doing.  Her response was "you wouldn't understand".  Um, yes, I do.  I showed her my before pictures, and now, I'm an inspiration to her.  That makes me feel good, mostly about myself, but also to let other people know that if I can do it, so can you.

Do I wish there were times when I didn't have to count everything I put into my mouth? Almost every day.  Are there times when I wish I could just eat something and not worry about what it does to my system?  Heck, yeah.  But then I remember that I can wear a size 10 or 12, and can shop in any "normal" department store, and I've spent a small fortune replacing my plus size wardrobe, so I don't eat it, or I eat it, own it, and then track it.  Some days are easier than others, but for the most part, I just keep on doing what I've done to get to goal.  Besides, I don't ever want to have to pay Weight Watchers again!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I made it through the 6 weeks of maintenance to become a lifetime member of WW.  It "only" took me 25 years, but I finally made it.  Now, comes the "hard" part, maintaining this weight for the rest of my life.  I think this time, I have finally changed my relationship with food.  I really don't want to eat until I'm uncomfortable anymore.  And passing by the deep fried food vendors at the fair this year really made my stomach turn.  There is a first time for everything!  I still have "issues" with cookies, but I'm able to control my urges, most of the time.  So, it took me 2 full years to lose 91 pounds, and I don't really ever want to go back.  I plan to attend meetings every week, and even find out of town meetings when we are visiting family or on vacation.  And with hubby on this journey with me, we will keep each other honest.  I'll try to get back and post updates on this journey and maybe some of my favorite recipes, but life has a tendency of getting in the way at times.  #2 daughter is back at school for her junior year of college.  #1 daughter just bought a house, so things are moving right along for them.  I will be going to visit my mom in Florida for an extended stay at the end of September, and believe it or not, she doesn't have (nor want) internet connection.

I have changed my profile  picture to reflect the person I am now.  It's been a long, long journey, and it's not over by any stretch of the imagination.  This is a lifelong process, and I've just finished the first leg.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Maintenance, Week 3

I've been at goal for about a month now.  And while I like to think I can do this, it's still really hard.  Adding those extra points is sometimes hard, sometimes, they just add up.  I've lost a little, then gained a little.  Last week was weird, I had spent the week beforehand at #1 daughter's new house, painting.  I was not eating on my "regular" schedule, nor drinking as much fluid as I normally do.  I could tell I was retaining water, since both my knees and ankles were swollen.  At weigh in on Friday, I was up 3 pounds.  It actually put me back into that "+/- 2 pounds from goal" range that I have to be in for lifetime.  This week has been much more "normal", so depending on what my scale says, I will either wear my "weigh in" dress or something a bit more substantial!  If all goes as planned, I will reach lifetime membership in 2 weeks.  It's only taken me 25 1/2 years to get here, but I think I've finally made peace with my relationship with food.  Yes, I still want the cookies and ice cream, but fried stuff kinda makes me want to gag anymore.  And if something doesn't taste good to me, I no longer feel I have to continue eating it, just b/c it's there.

So, while the weight loss journey is coming to an end, the maintenance and struggle with food choices continues.  I guess it is a new journey to a much healthier lifestyle.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Goal, part 2

After 2 years and a lot of tracking, exercising, complaining, etc., I have finally reached the goal my doctor and I agreed on.  Hubby reached his in April, and became lifetime WW in May, right before our Alaskan cruise.  So, without further ado, I present before and after pictures:
At #1 daughter's college graduation, May 2011

May 2011

July 12, 2013

As you can see, we are a lot smaller.  My total is 90 pounds.  Hubby's is 95+ pounds.  I couldn't have done it without him, and he says he couldn't have done it without me.  So, yeah, the buddy system really does work.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Exactly 2 years from when I started this time, I FINALLY reached goal!  I've lost 90 pounds, and eventually would like to lose the last 10 that WW says I should, but I have reached goal, and with continued diligence, I will become a WW lifetime member. Gee, that's only taken me 25 years.  Will post pictures soon.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

One pound from goal!!!

So, my "birthday week" is starting out wonderfully.  Last night at WW, I weighed in at one pound away from my goal.  For those of you who have been with me from the beginning, that equals a weight loss of 89 pounds and a weigh in of 161.  I haven't been this small since before #1 daughter was conceived!  and she will be 24 in a few days.  Imagine that.  And if hubby hadn't been with me on this ride, I don't think I would have come this far.  He's lifetime right now, and still helping me live this lifestyle and lose this last pound.  Maybe, with perseverance, I will hit it next Friday.  That would be an excellent birthday present!  #2 daughter is making a WW vegetable Thai Pad tonight.  Then we will go for a walk, since hubby and I spent the entire morning grocery shopping and running errands.

So, if you hear a shout of joy next Friday, you know that I hit my goal.  It's taken me almost exactly 2 years to do this, and believe me, it is so worth it!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer is here with a vengeance

The first official day of summer was Friday, and the weekend temps were in the 90's.  I guess when Mother Nature decides to make it summer, that's what she does.  Oh well.

Hubby took me to Bannerman's Island on Saturday as an early birthday present.  In the late 1800's to early 1900's it was used as a munitions warehouse, until it blew up in 1920.  There are the remains of a "castle" and the house the family used.  It's now a park and there is a private foundation trying to raise funds to stabilize the structures.  Very nice tour and it was fun taking a boat ride to the island.  We also went to the Renegades home opener on Friday.  They won, so that was fun as well.

I was down .6 lb this past weigh in.  Not quite sure how that happened, but I am "only" up 0.2 lb from before the cruise.  I am 2.6 lb away from goal.  Don't think I'm going to make it before my birthday, but stranger things have happened.  I will settle for hitting goal during my birthday "month"!

I've been going to the acupuncturist for about 3 months now.  And while I'm in less pain (most of the time) than I was before, I don't really know how much this is really helping me.  Insurance is covering almost all of it, and I've met my deductible for the year, so unless I start feeling like it's a total waste of time, I will continue to go.  He's going to give me the series of 3 shots in each knee starting next week.  And what's interesting about the shots, is that I don't think they are working, but when they wear off (like now), I can really tell that the effect has worn off!  So, hopefully, I can get another 6+ months of less pain out of these next series of shots.  I really can't imagine how my knees would be if I hadn't lost the 88 lb.  That's just scary even thinking about it.

Next month will be the 2 year anniversary of restarting WW.  I think it would be cool to reach goal during that month.  I can do it.  And after 25+ years of paying for WW, I can become lifetime! and not have to pay if I stay w/in 2 lb of my goal weight.