I hit the -75+ lb. tonight. It's amazing. Hubby is 3.6 lb away from his goal weight. I am about 23 pounds away. That is, if I go with the range for 5'5". Hubby measured me, and I'm 5 foot, 5 1/2 inches. So, I can either go with 5'5" or 5''6", which is 155. I'm confused and don't know which way I'm leaning.
I also started with an acupuncturist today. We'll see how that goes. Right now, I can use anything to help with the achy knees and painful climbing and descending stairs. He also does physical therapy, so hopefully, this will do the trick, at least for a while.
All for now, I'm tired, and I just wanted to say Whoo Hoo!