Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rain is better than snow

It's December, and it's been raining all day.  It's gloomy enough that the light sensor timer on our outdoor lights thinks that we should have our Christmas lights on, even though it's not even 3 PM!

Anyway, my progress on WW has been very, very , very slow.  I made it through Thanksgiving w/o gaining anything, but have "only" lost 0.8 lb in the last month.  I have been better at tracking, weighing, measuring and everything since hubby joined WW with me, but I haven't seen much progress at the scale.  On the other hand, my jeans are fitting better, and some of them may even be getting loose, so there's that.

One good thing is that oranges are in season.  My parents live about 5 miles from this little grove that ships oranges out.  I've already had a bushel, and am getting ready to order another.  These are Indian River navel oranges and they are like crack.  So, good, juicy and you can't eat just one.  I guess it's better than sitting around eating cookies instead!

Time to go deal with a local company that was supposed to call me about shipping gifts to my brother and sister.  Oh well.  We're supposed to "shop local" but when the local people screw up, what are you going to do?

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