Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another rainy Tuesday

It's still raining. Although, there is hope that we may actually get 9 days in a row without rain!  I don't think we've had that "problem" since July!  So, it's a bit exciting.

Daughter #2 has come and gone back to school.  While I miss both of the girls, I don't miss the noise, the clutter, the inane TV shows, or not being able to just sit on the couch.  And, while I didn't realize it, there is a 3 day weekend ahead.  Not that I have anything planned, but it's nice to not have to look for a job on Monday.  For those of you who don't know, I'm a substitute teacher, and there are days when I am looking for a job at 5 AM. No, it's not the most reliable job, but it is one of the most flexible.  And it pays a bit more than minimum wage.

Anyway, after the debacle of the weigh in last week, none of my clothing fit right.  And I'm not going out and getting a bigger size!  While I can "get into" some of my jeans, breathing is difficult, as is sitting.  If that isn't incentive to stay on program, I don't know what is.  I actually planned my dinners this week.  I have the ingredients needed to make said dinners, and have a pot of soup cooking in the crock pot for tonight.  I haven't gone back to the gym since seeing the orthopedist, but I'm trying to walk more.  One step at a time.  This week, I'm concentrating on getting back into the "core" mindset, and while I'm not completely "core", I'm still doing better than I was last week.  I'm also trying to talk my hubby into attending WW meetings with me. So, if we can do the program together, we will both benefit from it.  And I think I should try to blog more often, since this is my "online journal".  I know journaling helps, and I haven't been good at keeping it current.

So, here's to a better Friday.  Maybe the sun will be out all day tomorrow!

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