Saturday, October 8, 2011

Beautiful Saturday

Last night's weigh in was good, for at least 2 reasons.  First, I lost 2.6 for the week, so I'm "back" to a total of 5 pounds down, since rejoining in July.  And hubby joined me at the meeting, and joined WW!!  Okay, he's an inch taller than me, and weighs what I did when I rejoined, but he gets 14 more points during the day.  What's up with that?  Oh yeah, he's a man.  But, he could stand to lose a few pounds, so it's exciting, teaching him the program.  And he's keeping me honest as well.

He also dragged my butt to the Walkway over the Hudson, and I was able to walk all the way across and back. I haven't been able to do that for like, forever.  My knees hurt, and I just couldn't go much farther than start or the river.  It was a beautiful day, the sun was out, and it wasn't windy.  Granted, the Hudson still looks like Willy Wonka's chocolate river, but it's still amazing walking about 200 feet over it.  The trees haven't started to turn yet, so it was still really green, no reds, oranges or yellows yet, but that should come in a few weeks.  So, this week is looking up.  I'm back on track, and hubby is along for the ride.  So, it will make staying on program a lot easier.  I keep forgetting that there is no school on Monday -- Columbus Day.  So, we'll see how I handle being home for yet another day!

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