Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weight loss update

Okay, here goes.  I need to update my "journey".  I went to WW last night, and weighed in, as per normal and I was down 1.4 lb.  So, the total so far is -19.4.  Yeah, I'm 0.6 lb away from -20 lbs.  So, why does that make me crazy?  I don't know, but to hit that 20 lb mark has alluded me for a while.  Granted, my 10% is -25 lb, and that is really alluding me.  But I feel that if I can make it to the 20 lb mark, I can get to the 10%.  So, in case you are counting, I weighed in at 230.6 last night.  It's been incredibly slow this time, but hopefully that means that I'm actually changing my eating habits and I will continue to use them even after I reach my goal weight.

And it really helps that hubby is on this journey with me!

Friday, January 27, 2012

I guess rain is better than snow. . .

It's Friday, and it's raining.  It's been raining for several hours, and will continue to do so for several more, if the weather people are correct.  And since it's January, rain is definitely better than snow, at least for me.

Anyhow, I've gone to the gym for the last 2 days.  Yesterday, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, and then went and used the weight machines on the "30 minute express" circuit. Today, my arms feel like they are going to fall off.  I knew it had been a long time since I've done any weight working out, but I didn't expect this.  So, I guess I'm going to have to do the weight machines more often.  Like every other day, more often.  Today, I just walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes.  Now, I'm a little sore, but I mostly feel good.  I really have to get back into the habit of cardio and then cardio/weights every other day.  I'm sure that more exercise will enhance my weight loss efforts and help me to keep up with hubby's weight loss.

I'm meeting a friend for lunch.  I haven't really seen her for several years.  I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to order (one of the nice things about the internet, restaurants put their menus online, this one didn't have nutritional information, but at least I know what's in it!)  And then weigh in is tonight.  It's been a long week, and I am looking forward to the weekend!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So, I figured out that taking 9500 steps during the day earns me 5 points.  Really?  Just walking for (almost) the recommended number of steps earns 5 points?  Okay, so I can also take a 25 minute walk with moderate exertion will earn 3 points, so I guess that makes sense.

Why did I figure out how many points 9500 steps were?  I went shopping yesterday instead of going to the gym.  I wore my pedometer both at school (running around during regents week is par for the course) and then shopping.  Between the 2, I logged in about 9500 steps.  And since WW has an activity converter for steps with an "all day" setting, that's what I used.  5 activity points!  Today, I went for a walk, since it's still pretty nice out, and that's why I know that a 25 minute walk earns 3 points.  So, I've earned half of the "recommended" exercise points in just 2 days.  I'm going to have to log in those daily steps more often.

Doing well tracking, it's hubby's fault.  So, it's slow, but steady in the right direction.  He's doing much better than me, but then, he's male (duh) and he's never done a weight reduction program, so his metabolism isn't as screwed up as mine.  Oh yeah, he's also not a post menopausal woman, which I'm told also hinders quick weight loss.

Tomorrow, I'm not working, so I'll go to the gym in the morning.  I'll get back into this exercise thing, eventually.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

End of first semester

I am a substitute teacher, and this year has been one of the toughest yet.  A few kids (although, it seems to be more than last year) are completely disrespectful and downright nasty.  So, while a few things about the end of the first semester are melancholy, I'm glad that this year is about half over.  In our state, we have what they call regents exams.  Not having grown up here, I never had to take these tests as a kid.  And with the passing of no child left behind, a lot of these tests have been dumbed down, so an overwhelming number of kids can pass them, provided they put in the effort needed to study and learn the material.  That being said, these tests are torture, both for the kids and for the teachers.  They are 3 hours long, and our district times them such that the kids have to sit for the entire 3 hours.  The state has a "last entry" time, and since we start about 3 hours before then, we get to sit for the 3 hours.  In my several years of proctoring these exams, I think I've seen about a dozen kids use the entire time.  Most are done with at least a half hour to spare.  It doesn't seem like long, but when you have to sit there, no other reading materials, no phones or iPods, it's torture.  Although, I've seen some interesting art work on the back of test booklets -- what else is there to do.

So, today marks the first day of January regents.  The tests are offered in January, mainly for those who failed them before, and the kids have to pass 5 of them to graduate.

OTOH my daughters thought that the regents were too easy.  And they were among those done in an hour, and then had to sit there for 2 hours doing pretty much nothing.  #2 would usually draw something on the booklet or scratch paper.  I'm not sure what #1 did, since it's been a while since she's taken a regents exam.

Time to make my lunch and see which test I get to proctor.  At least there are limited numbers of kids in the building, and while I generally have to run from point A to point B, it's an easy week.


Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Friday!

It's Friday, and the snow we got last night, didn't even amount to a dusting.  That being said, we're supposed to get 3-7 inches tonight.  And we take #2 back to college on Sunday.  Oh well.  I hope that the predictions are correct, and it clears up and warms up on Sunday, so we shouldn't have any trouble.  yeah, right.

I'd like to report that I have exercised FOUR times this week.  #2 "forced" me to go for a walk this afternoon. So I bundled up and we walked to the coffee shop that's about a mile away.  Damn, it was cold, but we rested and had some coffee (she had hot chocolate) and then walked home.  Needless to say, my knee did not like the cold, and coming home, the cold air hurt my teeth.  But I did it.  So, I earned 11 activity points this week!  Weigh in tonight.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


There is another dinky snowstorm predicted for tonight.  We got about an inch Monday night, and there wasn't even a delay, but the roads were sloppy.  Today, there was a thin layer of frost on the car, that would not scrape off.  We're supposed to get about an inch tonight, and then there is a coastal storm brewing for tomorrow night.  I guess winter finally decided it was time to torture us.

That being said, I went to the gym on Monday, then again after school on Wednesday -- that 1/2 donut during school didn't help me, but did help my resolve.  Today, #2 didn't want to go to the gym "it's boring", could we go for a walk?  I told her to step outside.  It's a bit chilly (no, downright cold) today.  So, we went to the mall and did 2 laps, then went shopping.  She got a pair of sparkly shoes (for $6) and then we got some soda and stuff at Target.  Not exactly what I had in mind, but at least it got me moving.

My honey bells came today.  They are so sweet, and I've already eaten 2 of them.  Good thing fruit is zero points these days!  Tomorrow is weigh in, so we'll see if the exercise offset the donut and cookies (#2 made cookies, and they were pure evil.  I ate about 5 of them, she had left them on a rack, right in front of me, and they kept calling my name!  I put them away, so I wouldn't see them!)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday, Monday

MLK day.  No school.  It's beautiful outside, although the temperature isn't so nice.  No clouds in the sky, but it's really cold.  Guess winter couldn't stay away!  As long as we don't get snow when we have to take #2 back to school.

I went to the gym this morning and did a half hour on the treadmill.  My knee started to hurt towards the end, but otherwise, it felt really good. I know it feels good, and I know it's good for me, so why don't I want to go more often?  I dragged #2 with me, and it took her 3 machines to find one she was willing to use for the time I was on the treadmill.  Then she complained that her butt was numb, from sitting on the upright exercise bike.  Why did she use the upright?  Because there were only "old people" using the recumbent ones!

So, I'm starting the week out with a trip to the gym, and a post here.  Great start to the week.  I'm working on getting caught up with mundane household chores like the dishes and laundry today.  Yippee.  I've got dinner in the crock pot, so all is good.  Next load of wash awaits me.  Toodles.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's Sunday, oops

I meant to write more, I really did.  But sometimes, life has a habit of getting in the way of best laid plans.  So, now, it's Sunday evening.  The Giants just won (Go Blue!) and I'm not keeping up with posts.

At weigh in on Friday, I was down 0.8.  That puts me up to a total of -18.4 (I think).  I'm not keeping track of the numbers as much as I used to, as long as they are going in the right direction.  I wore a skirt on Friday, that I haven't been able to button in over a year.  Yay Bev!  Hubby is still ahead, but he's keeping me on track.  Tomorrow is MLK day, so I'm going to drag #2 daughter to the gym with me.  She goes back to college in a week, so she can come keep me company while I do the treadmill.

Winter decided to make it's presence known today.  No snow, but the high today was about 26.  Where #1 daughter lives, the morning temperature was -14.  Yes, that's a negative number!  She supposedly got her heat fixed, but it's not where it should be.  I hope her pipes didn't freeze last night.

So, we've decided to go to Disney World this May after #2 gets done with the spring semester.  Still have to look at air fares and decide when and what we are going to do.  The most expensive part of the trip is the admission tickets.  Not the airfare, not the on site rooms, it's the admission.  There is something wrong with that picture.  But it's fun, and with hubby doing WW with me, it should be a "good" vacation.  Anyway, we haven't done much besides talk about it, so I'll let you know more when I have definite plans.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Exercise Ball

Hubby got me an exercise ball for Christmas.  Today was the first time I tried to do the video.  There are two on the DVD, a "regular", 40 minute workout and an "express", 20 minute workout.  Since I have to go to work at 10:30, I opted for the express one.  All I can say is "oh wow".  I knew I was out of shape, and my knees aren't what they used to be, but even the modified version was a bit much.  I'm not nearly as flexible as the instructor, so some of the moves/exercises are going to take some practice.  So, now that I've finally caught my breath, I can say that I now have a viable option to going to the gym.  It will be easier, once daughter #2 gets her stuff out of the living room, but I will be able to get through the entire express workout and not feel like I got hit by a mack truck!

So, now it's off to shower and get ready to go to work.  At least it's a beautiful sunny day today!  Storm coming tonight.  Will it be snow or rain?  We'll see tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gloomy Tuesday

So, I've already "fallen off the wagon" as far as posting more often.  No posts since last Friday.  Geez, I couldn't even make it 10 days.  Oh well, that's not the point of this anyway, so I should just keep trying to be more regular.

It's really gloomy out today.  It's been a mild winter, so far, but it's really been gray and yucky out.  I've been super tired this week, and not sleeping well, so I'm wondering if the 2 are related.  When I'm this tired, especially after school, I really don't feel like going to the gym.  I know that exercising will give me more energy, but right now, I don't even have the gumption to drive the 5 minutes to the gym.   I also, don't have much of an appetite, which is a good thing.

I've got subbing jobs for most of the rest of the month, so that's a good thing.  #2 daughter goes back to college in a little less than 2 weeks.  #1 daughter adopted two kitties, so I guess I could say I now have grand-kitties.

I'm lacking motivation to even make this post any longer.  So, I'll sign off for now, and maybe tomorrow. . .

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday, Friday

Hubby hit his 10% tonight.  I lost 3.4, which is a pound more than I gained last week.  So, most, if not all of it was water gain.  My knee is feeling a lot better, and my mood has improved significantly.

I'm still 7+ pounds away from my 10%, but it's good.   I'm going in the right direction, and since hubby joined, I am tracking and staying on target more than I have in years.  I will make that goal this year.  I believe that I will get under 200 for the first time in about 5 years.  So, now it's time to plan the dinners for next week.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Motivation is rising

So, I went to the gym yesterday, in spite of lacking motivation.  I got on a treadmill next to a friend I haven't seen in years -- since our Girl Scout council merged with several others in the area, and it's just not the same.  We chatted about her girls and mine, brought each other up to date on what each of our kids are doing, and just talked about other acquaintances and mutual friends.  It made the half hour on the treadmill go much faster.  I went again today, and might have overdone it.  My knee is a bit shaky, so we'll see how it feels in an hour or so. Yes, I have more energy, but man, I'm hungrier than I've been in weeks!

I have a job for tomorrow, so I'm not sure if I'll make it after work.  I did get an exercise ball for Christmas, so I may try that video after school tomorrow.  I think it would be less stress on my knee.  So, I'm starting the year on the right track, as far as moving more is concerned.  I'm going to have to figure out how to tame this hungry beast, so the moving more doesn't backslide into out of control eating, again.

Otherwise, it's bitter cold out today.  I shouldn't complain too much, since we've had a mild winter so far.  But it's just the beginning of January, and anything is possible.  I don't have a kid in high school anymore, so snow days only effect my getting paid or not.   #2 daughter goes back to college in 2 1/2 weeks.  While I love having her home, I'm also missing having all my own space.  And the water bill will go back down!

Enough ramblings.  I should go shower and get to the store.  And maybe it will warm up enough to not freeze my yayas off!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new year, but the same motivation

As I sit here, drinking coffee and typing, I realize that I really should get my butt off the chair and get dressed to go to the gym.  That being said, I'm still typing and drinking my coffee.  It's not that I don't want to go to the gym, I don't want to get ready, drive there and then do some sort of cardio workout.  Since my knee is still touchy, can I feel justified skipping the exercise this morning?  Of course not, but still, the thought has occurred to me.

I can eat well, and stay on program, but the thought of actually going to the gym and spending a half hour on either the treadmill or exercise bike doesn't do much for me right now.  I know, I'll feel a lot better if I go.  I know it will help me with my weight loss journey, but that still doesn't motivate me to get moving.  Granted, it's about 10 degrees outside this morning, the first really cold morning of the season, but that's not an excuse either.

So, I'll finish my coffee, and then go get some sweats on to make the trip to the gym and actually get some movement into my life, again.  It shouldn't be so hard.  I used to love going to to the gym everyday.  Granted, that was about 10 years ago.  Why has my mind set changed so radically?  Well, I'm older, and more "things" hurt.  I can easily find many other things to do instead of going to the gym.  And right now, I just don't want to.

I'm done with the cup of coffee.  So, I guess I should get dressed and get a move on it.  The longer I take getting there, the long it will take me to finish.  So, away we go.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Wind and sun, oh my!

Wow, two days in a row.  It rained yesterday, but today is "nice" and sunny.  Although, I can hear the wind whipping around outside.  It is January, you know, and that means winter weather.  We've been lucky this year.  The "only" snow we've had is that stupid storm Halloween weekend, which knocked power out for a week to some parts of this area.  So, I shouldn't complain. .  .  And maybe we will be able to take down the outside decorations today, and put Christmas away until next December.  Usually, I am sad to see the decorations come down.  This year, for some reason, I can't wait to get the house back to normal.  We took the tree down yesterday, and put away most of the inside decorations, so I'm getting my house back, but I'm still itching to get those lights down and start the "new year" fresh.

My knee feels better than it has in a week.  So, hopefully, that's on the mend.  If I don't get the phone call for a job tomorrow (yeah, substitute teachers work like that), then I'm going to try to see if I can use the treadmill or exercise bike at the gym.  I haven't been to the gym in several months, so this will be interesting, to say the least.

We have gotten most of the junkie food out of the house, either thrown it out, yes, I actually threw out some cookies that weren't "worth" the points. (First time for everything) or the kids have consumed it.  2012 is starting out in the right direction.  Now, let's see what else today may bring.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

No, I haven't been as "good" about posting on a regular basis, but I'm going to try to this year.  So, what are my "goals" for this year?  Resolutions always get broken, so I'm setting some goals.

1.  I'd like to get under 200 lb. this year.  It's less than losing a pound a week, so I feel it is an obtainable goal.  But that said, it also requires some effort on my part.  Which includes; planning menus, exercising (if my knee ever feels "normal" again), and being vigilant.  No excuses.

2.  Read more.  If this is possible, I'd like to read more, which means learn how to borrow e-books from the library, otherwise, I'm going to go broke.  I've had a Nook for a few years, and hubby got me a Kindle for Christmas, so there is another "no excuses" for this one.

3.  Stress less.  If something is beyond my control, then let it go.  Take care of things I can control, and let the rest find where it's supposed to be.  I'm not saying that I won't stress at all, but this is one thing I'm going to try and to not worry about everything and it's brother.

4.  Make 2012 a year for the "record books".  We'll see how this one plays out!

Have a wonderful New Year!  Everyone needs a new beginning!