Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day weekend

First, let me take the time to thank all the service men and women who have fought for America's freedom, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  They should be honored every day, not just the last Monday in May.

Our Disney trip is finally upon us.  We're leaving this week to go to Walt Disney World.  Seems like we started planning this trip ages ago.  And now, it's almost here.  Hubby and I are going to try to make good choices there, and I've already decided that I'm having 2 desserts.  And yes, I will enjoy them!  I will wear my pedometer, so I'll know how much I've been walking, which helps and adds a few extra points for the week.  I will start my vacation with a small weight loss -- 0.2 last weigh in.  Hubby lost 2.4 last week.  So, we will have extra incentive to keep up the good work.  My next goal was to lose 5 more pounds by my birthday (which is in July), so that's another incentive to behave at WDW!

In a non-scale victory, I'm able to wear shorts that I haven't been able to get into for several years!  So, after we get back, I'm going to have to weed through my old clothes again.  Pick out what fits, throw out what is too big, etc. etc.

They are predicting scattered thunderstorms for the rest of the weekend.  It's been hot and muggy so far, so the t-storms aren't unexpected.  Although, it does put a damper on any outdoor activities.  I think we're just going to rest today, maybe hit the $3 movie theater later, but right now, it's time for laundry!

Monday, May 21, 2012

A day off on Monday!

So, this is the last of our district's "give back days".  In other words, if we don't have the 5 snow days planned into the school calendar, we get them off, usually by lengthening Easter vacation.  But, since we only used one day this year, taking them all off the week after Easter would lead to only having Friday as a school day, the school board in its infinitely wisdom, gave us 2 four day weekends in a row.  Go figure.

Anyway, I lost the 2.2 pounds that I had put on the previous two weeks, so I'm back down to -35 pounds.  Which is great, but I have 65 more to go.  I could ask myself why I let all that hard work go down the drain, and it's a difficult question to answer.  At first, you stop tracking little things, like the sample at Adams.  Then you stop tracking dinner.  Then you simply stop tracking.  And once you stop tracking your food intake, then you start eating a little more than you should (or eat beyond being sated).  Then you start having a cookie here, and an ice cream cone there.  And pretty soon, you've gained 5-10 pounds.  Yes, I should have realized what I was doing and taken measures to stop it.  However, I didn't.  And while I've never let myself get to the point I was at when I joined WW the very first time (24 years ago!), I've had to restart many, many, many times.  Why do I keep going back?  Because I know it works, and I really can't do it "alone".  What makes this time different?  Hubby is going on this journey with me.  He's lost just over 50 pounds, and is looking mighty fine these days.  He's still got a ways to go on his journey, but he is really helping me stay focused, and continue to track.  If he wasn't going to meetings and keeping me honest, I would have gotten discouraged several months ago.

Speaking of getting discouraged, Hubby needed to buy some new shorts, since his old ones kinda fall off him now.  We went to that big box store to get some inexpensive shorts for our upcoming Disney trip.  He found a couple pair and got the size he is wearing now.  Doesn't try them on.  When we got home, he tried on the first pair and was crestfallen, since they were very tight to the point of cutting off his breathing when he sat down.  Luckily, he also tried on the other pair.  They fit perfectly!  He then measured both pairs, and the first (the tight pair) measured about 3" smaller than the pair that fit!  Good thing he didn't just take both pairs back and get the next bigger size!  The incorrectly marked shorts are now back at the store, and he has 2 pair that fit him well.  Moral of the story, try on everything!  Even different colors of the same style!

We are going to miss our WW meeting while we are in Florida.  There isn't one close enough to WDW, and since we aren't renting a car --Disney's Magical Express will take us to and from the airport and we'll use Disney transportation once we're there.  So, we'll have to miss a week.  All the more reason to stay on program and track what I eat there!

Friday, May 11, 2012


I've gained for the last two weeks.  0.8 last week and 1.4 this week.  Okay, I twisted my knee on Monday, and couldn't really move much for 3 days.  But, seriously?  That makes 2.2 pounds I have to lose again.  What's up with that?  Needless to say, I'm a tad pissed off.  which can only translate into one thing:  I have to get serious and stick to the plan.  and move.  I really, really, really have to get back to exercising.  I'd like to shed the 2.2 I put on and then lose another pound or two before we go to Disney.  that's less than 3 weeks away.  I need to track, and post at least every other day.  If nothing else, it keeps me honest!

Back on track!

On to other things, my father fell and fractured the knee he just had the joint replacement on.  Which means he will need another surgery and more time in the rehab facility, which he hates.  I feel bad for Mom, because she's running back and forth and is pretty much exhausted.  Getting old sucks.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May flowers?

It's been raining for the past week or so.  So, the warm weather in March lead to a cold and dreary April, which is carrying over to a chilly and rainy May.  I can't believe it's also been almost a month since I posted last.

I'm down 35 pounds, and hubby is down almost 50!  Last week wasn't a normal week.  We had to go to the Thursday meeting, and while the same leader is there, the people are different.  Hubby is also undergoing a root canal, so he's not been eating as properly as he should.  Not going over points, but one night, it was pudding and jello for dinner.  This week, should be better, but I wretched my knee on Monday getting out of the car.  Today is the first day it didn't hurt every time I moved it.  So, hopefully, I'll get back to "normal" routine walking and such before too long.

Other than starting to bring #2 daughter home from college, not much has happened.  I'll try to post more, especially since we're going to Disney World at the end of the month.