Saturday, August 20, 2011

J's last day before college

J, #2 daughter is leaving for college tomorrow.  Both of us are fighting the tears.  She's sad, because she doesn't want to grow up.  I'm sad, mainly because my "buddy" is leaving.  We would drag one or the other for walks after school.  To Dunkin Donuts, to Dairy Queen to the coffee shop, or just around the block.  And now, she's going to college, and I will get to spend my afternoons without her.  I know, it's part of growing up, but I never realized how much this would hurt.  Yes, it hurt when the oldest daughter left for college that first time, but she had been such a pain for the weeks leading up to her going, that it didn't hit me until she had been gone for a week or so.  And I also had J to keep me company.  But that will all change in the next 24 hours.  Soon, it will be hubby and me, just the two of us, 8 months out of the year.   We haven't been alone for any extended period of time since before they were born.  It's going to take some getting used to!

On another note, weigh in was last night.  I lost 2.2 pounds, so I guess perseverance does pay off.  And my normal leader wasn't there.  Sure the woman who filled in was okay, but doesn't have the personality that the regular leader has.  And once we get the kid settled in (and drive the 3 hours home), I have to get back into planning and cooking dinners and make sure I have what I need in the house.  AND NO JUNK FOOD!

The next two weeks will be challenging, then school starts, and I'll be able to get back to work.  Next weekend, we're going to #1 daughter's and go to the NY State fair.  The following weekend is Labor Day weekend, and we've got tickets to a couple Renegades games.  Then, it's our anniversary.  This year, our anniversary is 9/10/11.  Like I planned that 28 years ago!  So, while the daily routine may get back to normal, the weekends are still fairly booked.  And I thought I'd be able to get something done around the house.  Yeah, right!

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