Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I can't believe how fast August is speeding past.  It's already the 9th, and I'm thinking "how did that happen?"  Seems like this summer is blowing by faster than I can keep up with it.  Today, the weather can't decide if it's going to be sunny or cloudy.  Right  now, the sun is winning, but I don't know if that's going to last.

Anyhow, I've made it to the gym for the past 2 days.  While not a "record" it's certainly a start.  Do I feel better after spending a half hour on an exercise bike?  I think that I do.  I'm not as stiff and my knees aren't quite so achy.  Does this mean that I'm going to make this a habit and go more days than not?  I'd like to think so, but who knows what my motivation may be in a month.  School starts in about a month, and while I no longer have children in the public school system, I still work for them.  I'd like to think that my motivation will stay strong once school reopens and I'm working most days, but I can't promise that, because I know in the past, it takes some time getting back into the getting up at 5:00 AM, working on day with "lovely" teenagers, then trying to find the energy to go exercise.  We'll see.  It's still a month away.

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