I have been going to weight watchers off and on since January of 1988. I started then with a couple of friends from work. I was at my highest weight of 288 pounds that first weigh in. Over 9 months, I lost 130 pounds. I know, it's not good to lose that fast, but that wasn't common knowledge then. Closing in on my "goal" weight, I got pregnant with my first daughter. 2 years after she was born, I was back to pre-pregnancy weight. Got pregnant again, miscarried, and then had a successful pregnancy and my second daughter was born. I can "blame" the weight on pregnancy, but my "baby" just graduated from high school.
Along the way, I've lost huge amounts of poundage. Then "something" would happen, and I'd go off program and gain it all back. Okay, I have not gone back to my biggest, the 288 I weighed at my very first WW weigh in, because I've managed to get back on track before I did, but still.
So, anyway, I restarted again last fall, and had managed to lose about 20 pounds when this spring hit. This spring has been one of the more stressful couple month of my life. The oldest daughter graduated from college, and was lucky enough to have a job waiting for her when she graduated. Great, but we had to move her from her college apartment, home, and then to her new apartment in the city where she was going to work. She has so much stuff, that it took several trips to bring her stuff home, then we rented a cargo van to move her to the new place. Whew.
After daughter #1 was moved in, daughter #2 had her events start. She graduated from high school, so there was senior prom, the drama club senior banquet, and graduation itself, which entailed a massive cleaning of the house, since the grandparents were coming. Then there was a couple birthdays and college orientation for #2. I think everything is done, for the time being.
So that leads me to tonight. I went "back" to Weight Watchers, and weighed in for the first time since May. I had gained 15 pounds. I know, it was stress eating, and the "see-food" diet. And I'm getting to the age, where I don't like the up and down, clothes fitting or not, and generally feeling miserable. So, I'm doing what "everyone else" is doing, and starting a blog about my journey this time. I'd really like to stop the yo-yo at the scale, and have one set of clothing that fits me, all the time. I'm not sure what I'm going to write, but this is more cathartic for me and if anyone else wants to read it, great, maybe I can help.
Tonight is the last night before I get really conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth. I should be planning menus and getting a grocery list together. Since WW changed last December, most fruits and veggies have zero point (plus). I need to get the food I can eat in the house and go from there.
I might post my menus or if I find a good recipe. I don't know how I'm going to do this, but it's like a journal, only anyone who finds it can read it. Maybe this way, I won't quit when "life happens".
Oh yeah, starting (over) weight is 250. I get 34 points a day. Maybe next week, I'll do the measurements. This is a bit scary, but also by writing it down, here, I can be honest with myself and quit playing stupid head games.
Away we go. . . .
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