Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011. It's hot

I just noticed that I had put last year's date on all previous posts.  What's up with that?  I wasn't in a better place last year, so who knows.  Anyway, it's hot.  It's also getting more and more humid.  There are supposed to be thunderstorms later tonight, but they won't clear out the humidity.  I don't like it when it's this hot out.

The good thing about it being hot is that I drink a lot of liquids.  Mostly water with some Crystal Lite or iced tea thrown in for good measure.  Which means I'm in the bathroom a lot.  I know, TMI, but hey it's true.  I also don't feel like eating as much as I've been known to do.

I did make it to the gym this morning.  I did a half hour on the exercise bike.  Which is basically starting over.  It sucks, but it is what it is.  Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, but if it's this miserable, chances are I won't be trekking to the gym.  I'm meeting a friend on Wednesday, so I know I'll go then.

Otherwise, it's been a decent on program day.  I tried a new recipe for dinner, and while it was okay, I doubt if I'll make it again.  Too much work, for something that isn't really good.

Until tomorrow. . .

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