Thursday, July 28, 2011

weigh in

I weighed in tonight, and was up a pound.  Yeah, WTF?  Who knows why?  So, next week, the scale should "make it up" to me.  That means I have to stay diligent this weekend while we are in Lake George.  Oh, it's so frustrating.  Granted, I weighed in a day early, but I don't think it's that.  E could be retaining water.  Okay, enough feeling sorry for myself.  It happened.  It happens.  It's one pound. It's not 5!

So, I'm starting my new week tomorrow.  Goals for this week:
1.  Keep track of all points while in Lake George this weekend, and continue until next weigh in.
2.  Move as much as possible.  WALK!
3.  Ice cream - ONE time on vacation.  I really can't not have any, better make it good.
4.  Drink lots of liquids.
5.  Get to the gym Tuesday!  (We're coming back on Monday).
6.  No shiny foods!

I'll let you know how I do.

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