Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Boxing Day

I made it through Christmas Day, and used about 8 of my weekly points allowance, on top of my daily points.  The problem is that I think I blew out my knee.  And I wasn't even doing anything when it happened!  So, I went upstairs early, which kept me out the kitchen, and rested.  It feels better today, but it's still not "normal" (whatever that means).  I'll have to wait until tomorrow to call the doctor, since today is a holiday, and I doubt that anyone would be available to see me.

We didn't have a white Christmas, but it was a bit chilly.  It's cold and windy out today, which is a marked improvement over last year, when we had a nor'easter blow in and dump over a foot of snow on us.  Maybe hubby will take the girls out to lunch and shopping.  I think I'm staying put, at least for today.

I lost 3 pounds last week, so my total is up (down) to 16.6.  Seems like it's so little when I look back to when I started, but my clothes are starting to fit again, and in some cases, are getting almost too big to wear.  Progress in the right direction.  Let's hope that my knee doesn't derail all this hardwork.  I'd really like for this to be the LAST TIME I rejoin WW!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

No wonder the PO is losing money

For the second time this month, I have to go to the Post Office to pick up a package.  The first time, it had been scanned as delivered, but really hadn't been.  We got it the next day.  This time, it was supposedly scanned into the Post Office on Dec 6 -- 2 full weeks ago, and a notice left, but we never got the notice.  And at the time the notice was supposedly left, I was home.  Yeah, go figure.  I know they are dealing with a lot of package this time of year, but really?  Not to even leave a notice?

So, hopefully, I can get to the Post Office and get my package before I have to be at work at 10:30.  Since the PO doesn't open until 10, this should be interesting.

On the weight loss journey, I've managed to lose 12 pounds.  I think the big part of this is having Hubby travel with me.  He's lost about 20 pounds, so that's good for him as well.  We made it through Thanksgiving w/o gaining, now comes Christmas and Christmas Eve.  We can do it!

ARGHHHH!  Now to get ready for work and do battle to get my package, which also happens to be a Christmas present for daughter #2!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rain is better than snow

It's December, and it's been raining all day.  It's gloomy enough that the light sensor timer on our outdoor lights thinks that we should have our Christmas lights on, even though it's not even 3 PM!

Anyway, my progress on WW has been very, very , very slow.  I made it through Thanksgiving w/o gaining anything, but have "only" lost 0.8 lb in the last month.  I have been better at tracking, weighing, measuring and everything since hubby joined WW with me, but I haven't seen much progress at the scale.  On the other hand, my jeans are fitting better, and some of them may even be getting loose, so there's that.

One good thing is that oranges are in season.  My parents live about 5 miles from this little grove that ships oranges out.  I've already had a bushel, and am getting ready to order another.  These are Indian River navel oranges and they are like crack.  So, good, juicy and you can't eat just one.  I guess it's better than sitting around eating cookies instead!

Time to go deal with a local company that was supposed to call me about shipping gifts to my brother and sister.  Oh well.  We're supposed to "shop local" but when the local people screw up, what are you going to do?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What happened to November

I'm sorry, I have really neglected my blog this month.  Actually, I don't know where this month went.  It's the 30th already, and pretty soon Christmas will be here.  So, time to catch up.

I made it through Thanksgiving without gaining anything.  I'm down 10.4, but have been there for like the last 3 weeks.  but I didn't gain anything through Thanksgiving.  It really helps having hubby on program with me.  Both daughters were home for the long weekend.  #1 comes in and takes over the living room.  Stress I don't need.  #2 isn't so bad, but still, having an extra person in the house is a little mind boggling.

We went out shopping on Black Friday.  Although, we didn't go to the midnight openings of some of the stores.  Put a dent in the Christmas shopping.  Now to wrap it all up and see what else we might need.  I think I'm ready to send the gifts to hubby's side of the family.  We draw names and "only" buy 4 presents.  I think there are over 20 people on his side, and it gets a little expensive, when you are just exchanging gift cards.  So, now we exchange names and our family buys a gift, which a "wish list" is posted on a blog, so we can actually get gifts, instead of just giving gift cards, which makes it more fun, at least for me.  Now to figure out my side of the family.  And what to get for hubby.

Well, I have a headache, so I'm thinking about going to lay down for a while.  I'll try to be more regular.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hey, It's 11/11/11

It's Veteran's Day, and therefore, there wasn't any school today.  So, I got the oil changed on my car, got a flu shot, went grocery shopping, did the laundry and went to my WW meeting.  And I finally lost 10 pounds.  I guess following the program works, eh?  Not much new from here.  Getting ready for Thanksgiving, and the Christmas holidays.  I'll try to post more often, but Daughter #2 is coming home next Saturday, and #1 is coming home on Wednesday.  It's going to be a hectic week.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's November. How did that happen?

It's been a few weeks, and a lot has happened.  Hubby has joined WW with me.  I'm tracking better than I have in years, I'm being honest with myself, and I'm up one week and down the next.  Last week was up, so I'm hopeful that I'll lose this week.  We bought candy for trick-or-treaters that neither of us liked.  Blow pops and Airheads.  Yech.  But the kids seemed to appreciate it.  The left overs are being sent to the daughters, so that's the end of it.  We don't have a bunch of junk food in the house.  So, I get frustrated when the scale doesn't show the results I would like it to.

Next up, the "lovely" nor'easter we got last weekend.  We got a foot of snow dumped on us in OCTOBER.  Yes, October.  A freak storm, that dumped 11.5" of heavy, wet snow on most of southern NYS.  We lost power for about 14 hours on Saturday night.  Got power back on Sunday, but no cable, which also meant no phone or internet.  Lost power again on Monday, for a few hours.  When it came back on, the cable was back up.  We were fortunate, some people were just getting their power back on last night (Wednesday).  And parts of Connecticut won't get power back on until this weekend.

Last week, we had to put the "not-my-cat" down.  She had stopped eating and drinking.  So, we took her to the vet.  There was a massive growth on her kidney, and there wasn't anything the vet could do.  So, for the first time in 31 years, there is no furry critter in my house (that I'm aware of, of that I'm purposely taking care of).  It's weird, and that also means that Hubby and I are really empty nesters.  No kids, no cats, so it's been a rough week.  The jury is still out on whether or not we will get another kitty.

On a happier note, I had a job interview today.  It's to sub in another district.  I had to wait for half an hour to see this guy.  I had a headache going in, and after waiting for 30 minutes, it was really killing me.  We'll see.  He has to check my references, and then I have to get approved by the board, so hopefully, by next month, I can add that district to options for sub jobs.

I will try to be here a bit more often.  What with the holidays coming, I will need to vent, express myself and whatnot.  Happy November!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Okay, I know, it's been a while, but I was really peeved after hubby's first week.  He lost weight, and I gained 0.6 lb.  I know, what's up with that?  Granted, it was raining (hard), and who knows, I may have been a bit soggy, but still.  It was the first week that I honestly tracked everything and stayed within my points!  Okay.  so the next week, which we weighed in on Thursday, I lost 2.8 lb.  So, I'm back to my lowest this time around.  This weekend, we are visiting daughter #2 in Oneonta.  And I'm actually tracking what I'm eating, and staying within my points, with a little help from activity points (walking is a wonderful thing) and a few weekly points allowances.  It's much easier to stay honest with myself, when hubby is there doing the same thing.

I'm about done for the day.  I'm beat and just hanging around the room.  We will take daughter shopping and then out for lunch, then we get to drive the 3 hours home.  Yay.  Next weekend is Halloween;  and the start of the "eating" season.  I want to get popcorn to give to the kids, so I don't eat any candy.  But no one seems to have the Halloween snack size packets this year.  Oh well, I'll think of something.  And away we go.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day

So, I have the day off, since there is no school, and I've been busy.  I bought a few new exercise tapes, the first I tried out is Bollywood dance fitness.  I "gave up" after half an hour.  It's fun though, and I'd like to be able to make it all the way through, but for now, it was a different way of exercising.  I got 2 more DVD's, so I'll try those out later in the week.

This weekend was good.  Since hubby is now on program, I'm tracking, counting points and basically doing what I should have been doing all along.  I've been planning meals and cooking, which is something else that I really should have been doing, as well.  So, with his help, I think I might be back on track.

I also fixed a few items of clothing that had been waiting for me to get my sewing machine out.  I had it cleaned and serviced a few months ago, but hadn't felt like getting it out to fix my dress and hubby's shorts.

So, it's been a productive day today.  We'll probably go out after dinner, so there's more exercise today!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Beautiful Saturday

Last night's weigh in was good, for at least 2 reasons.  First, I lost 2.6 for the week, so I'm "back" to a total of 5 pounds down, since rejoining in July.  And hubby joined me at the meeting, and joined WW!!  Okay, he's an inch taller than me, and weighs what I did when I rejoined, but he gets 14 more points during the day.  What's up with that?  Oh yeah, he's a man.  But, he could stand to lose a few pounds, so it's exciting, teaching him the program.  And he's keeping me honest as well.

He also dragged my butt to the Walkway over the Hudson, and I was able to walk all the way across and back. I haven't been able to do that for like, forever.  My knees hurt, and I just couldn't go much farther than start or the river.  It was a beautiful day, the sun was out, and it wasn't windy.  Granted, the Hudson still looks like Willy Wonka's chocolate river, but it's still amazing walking about 200 feet over it.  The trees haven't started to turn yet, so it was still really green, no reds, oranges or yellows yet, but that should come in a few weeks.  So, this week is looking up.  I'm back on track, and hubby is along for the ride.  So, it will make staying on program a lot easier.  I keep forgetting that there is no school on Monday -- Columbus Day.  So, we'll see how I handle being home for yet another day!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another rainy Tuesday

It's still raining. Although, there is hope that we may actually get 9 days in a row without rain!  I don't think we've had that "problem" since July!  So, it's a bit exciting.

Daughter #2 has come and gone back to school.  While I miss both of the girls, I don't miss the noise, the clutter, the inane TV shows, or not being able to just sit on the couch.  And, while I didn't realize it, there is a 3 day weekend ahead.  Not that I have anything planned, but it's nice to not have to look for a job on Monday.  For those of you who don't know, I'm a substitute teacher, and there are days when I am looking for a job at 5 AM. No, it's not the most reliable job, but it is one of the most flexible.  And it pays a bit more than minimum wage.

Anyway, after the debacle of the weigh in last week, none of my clothing fit right.  And I'm not going out and getting a bigger size!  While I can "get into" some of my jeans, breathing is difficult, as is sitting.  If that isn't incentive to stay on program, I don't know what is.  I actually planned my dinners this week.  I have the ingredients needed to make said dinners, and have a pot of soup cooking in the crock pot for tonight.  I haven't gone back to the gym since seeing the orthopedist, but I'm trying to walk more.  One step at a time.  This week, I'm concentrating on getting back into the "core" mindset, and while I'm not completely "core", I'm still doing better than I was last week.  I'm also trying to talk my hubby into attending WW meetings with me. So, if we can do the program together, we will both benefit from it.  And I think I should try to blog more often, since this is my "online journal".  I know journaling helps, and I haven't been good at keeping it current.

So, here's to a better Friday.  Maybe the sun will be out all day tomorrow!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

weigh in

Awful, awful, awful weigh in last night.  I know, it was my own damn fault to quote Jimmy Buffet, but still.  So. I'm going back to what I know works, and what I know I can live with.  Years ago, WW had a program they called "Core".  I loved it. You didn't have to track nor did you have to count points.  There was a list of foods you could "eat until satisfaction".  Whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats and fat free dairy products. Then they changed the program, and "Core" became "simply filling" and they didn't talk about it much anymore.  Then they introduced the points plus program and they really didn't talk about this method.  It still exists, but you have to ask for the guidelines.  They are given with the basic program but they are buried somewhere in the middle of the booklet.  This simply filling program includes the "power foods", whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats and fat free dairy, but also includes some bread products as well.  Which means that I can eat a sandwich, and not have to count bread toward my weekly bonus.  I still get those weekly "extras" for things that aren't power foods, and that really makes the program livable, but I do not have to count every single thing that I put into my mouth!  So, I'm going to work on sticking to "core" and try to move more.  I can't keep doing this.  Urghhhhh!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I woke up this morning to the sound of pouring rain.  Earlier, there had been quite a thunderstorm "concert", but I was able to go back to sleep. The rain, however, woke me up.  The drain at the end of our street decided to clog and the water was ankle deep when hubby left for work.  Oh yay.  The sun is now trying to make an appearance and is being more or less successful right now.

One of the pages I "like" on FB (Hudson Valley Weather) posted that if we had gotten this amount of rain in the equivalent of snow (say, like in January or February) we would have gotten 300" of snow!  Enough already, send the rain to Texas, where they need it.  Our ground is saturated, and the grass is way to green for this time of year. Another thing all this rain has done is breed mosquitoes!  The bees, while always pesky this time of year, are really being annoying, since all the flowers have been washed away.  I can only hope that all this rain isn't any indication of the amount of snow that we're going to get this winter.  <shudder>

So, I've been on a "see food" diet this week.  I'm trying to curtail it, and drink non or low cal fluids instead of eating today.  So, far, I've downed almost 2 liters of grape sugar free drink.  I guess that's better than eating a bag of cookies or chips?  I don't know if I can repair what damage I've done this week, but hopefully, but stemming the tide, I can get back on program and do what needs to be done.

In the meantime, daughter #2 is home for a long weekend.  She's doing laundry now, and will then take a shower.  It's only a little after noon, so I guess I should be grateful she's up and moving!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall is here

Okay, so it's been an entire week since I've written anything.  I guess that there isn't much going on with my life, and I know there isn't much going on with my "journey"!  Gained again this week, but then I was on a "see food" diet.  I really have to stop that.  I also need to find the energy to get my butt to the gym after work.  So, there you have it.  GRRRRR!
Daughter #1 was home this weekend.  She had scheduled an oil change on her car when she bought it.  She  also had her hair cut.  She hasn't found anyone in her new city whom she will trust to cut her hair.  Oh well.  She got to visit with some HS friends, and is now safely back in her apartment.
Daughter #2 is another story.  She IM's me from college saying that she lost her wallet, with her driver's license, her credit and debit cards.  And she's supposed to take the bus home on Wednesday for a long weekend.  Her school is giving them Rosh Hashanah off, and the Friday afterward.  Of course, what money she had was also in her wallet.  This isn't the first time she has lost it.  Last year, after replacing her license, SS card and debit card, she found it under the freezer in the basement!  This time, a girl at her college had picked it up, and finally called the house to ask how to get in touch with #2.  The wallet is now back with her, and she will figure out the bus schedule on Wednesday, being able to buy her ticket.
After she told me that she had lost her wallet, I finally realized that I eat when I'm stressed out.  Not just a little, a LOT.  And not fruit, but whatever junk, preferably chocolate, that is in the house.  So, I've also got to figure out how to handle stress.  So, while it's been a stressful weekend, I've learned a little bit about myself.  Now, to put those realizations into some sort of useful applications.
The other highlight of the weekend was going to see "Chapter Two" at County Players.  They did a wonderful job!  Now to get back into a decent routine and get back on program!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, again

Went to WW last night.  Gained 0.6 pounds, but that was less than I thought I was going to gain.  Yeah, it was a tough week.  I worked 4 out of 5 days, and am just not used to the school day yet.  I'm not used to getting up at 5 AM, having lunch at 10:30, and then coming home starving.  Yeah, I only had decent snack food in the house, which I'm sure helped me to not gain 5 pounds, but still.   So, today, it's back to tracking, and not trying to play silly games with myself.  I'd like to get back to the gym on a regular basis, and then maybe I can get back into the right frame of mind.  I've thought about WLS, and right now, I don't think it's for me.  I really don't want to never be able to eat a cookie again, without significant stomach pain.  With the gastric bypass, there are too many restrictions.  Yeah, I know, it's probably a "good" thing, but I don't want to have those restrictions at this time.  There might be a possibility of the gastric sleeve, but I still have to do more research.

My knees aren't bothering me nearly as much as they were last summer, so that's a plus.  So, there's no hurry.  I know what to do, I just need to do it!

Oldest daughter is coming home next Friday, after work.  She'll bring her laundry and she wants me to make an appointment for a haircut.  You'd think she would be able to do that, but no, "Please, Mom?"  So, I'm still her secretary.  At least she has to find a doctor and dentist up there, so I don't have to make those appointments.

The other day, there was a complete rainbow in the sky, while we were having dinner.  I'd like to think of it as a sign of a new beginning.  Let's hope so.

And there's a really faint double arc, so I'm really hoping that this is MY sign, of a new beginning and getting on with my life!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


This has not been a stellar week.  My 28th anniversary was Saturday, and I've been eating like I'm still celebrating, and it's not Tuesday.  So, maybe I can redeem myself before Friday and call it a draw?  We'll see.  I'm back to work, which wrecks havoc with my stomach and other things.  [TMI alert] I can't go to the bathroom at any given time, since I'm a substitute teacher and you have to be in the classroom.  So, you go when you can.  Then I come home and EAT.  I really have to stop that.  I also have to get the motivation to go to the gym after school.  Which is easier said than done.  I'm not used to getting up at 5 AM, so I'm usually tired when I get home.  I know, excuses, excuses, but that's what it is.  I don't have the junk in the house, but I manage to eat too much of the "good stuff".  So, now that I'm back into a "work routine", I have to get the rest of my schedule figured out, and start sticking to it.

So, tomorrow is a new day, and I'm planning on being on plan and exercising.  I'll let you know how I do!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, weigh in

So, it's another weigh in day.  I actually lost a pound this week.  So, if you are keeping track, I'm down a total of 7.2 pounds since the end of July.  Slow and steady wins the race, right, but it does get frustrating when it's down one week and up the next.  I have to buckle down, plan and then do what I planned.

I also went back to work this week.  I work as a substitute teacher, and wasn't expecting to work this, the first week of school.  I got called in on Thursday, a teacher couldn't get through the flooded out roads, so I went in for her, and then today, another teacher is still dealing with flooded basements or yards or whatever.  So, I wasn't really expecting to get called, but I'll take it.  I am not used to getting up at 5 AM to go to work!  I have jobs for 4 out the 5 days next week, and it's spirit week at the high school.  Which means I get to go to a pep rally on Friday.  Not my favorite thing to do!  In fact, they usually give me a headache!

And finally, tomorrow, 9/10/11 is my 28th wedding anniversary.  Other than going out to dinner, I'm not sure how we are going to celebrate, but I do know, it's been wonder being married to my best friend for almost 3 decades.  Boy, does that make me feel old.

All for now.  Both girls are safe, even though there has been a lot of flooding upstate.  These rivers and creeks weren't "made" to take 8" of rain in August, then 10" of rain from Irene, and then another 10" more from the remnants of Lee, which churned over our area for several days.  That's like 28" of rain in about a 6 weeks time period.  Too bad we can't send it to Texas!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sore knees = arthritis

So, it's official, I have arthritis in my knees.  I had a feeling that I did, but today, it was confirmed by the orthopedic surgeon.  I got a shot of cortisone in the left one, and it seems to help.  Although, it's so chilly and rainy that I'm feeling achy in both knees.  Actually, from the X-ray, the right one is worse than the left one, but it's not hurting me like the left one is.  I think I'm going to pursue a treatment where a synthetic lubricant is injected into the joint.  Three shots, and you supposedly get 6 months relief.  Right now, that sounds wonderful.

One of the methods to reduce pain in the knees is to (guess what?)  -- lose weight.  Today the doctor asked me if I'd consider medifast.  Um, no.  Everyone I know who has gone on medifast, optifast or whatever they are calling it has gained all their weight and then some back.  I told the doctor that I was thinking about and researching WLS, and he nodded and said that it was definitely something to consider.  I don't think he recommends it, because it does involve abdominal surgery, which always has some risks.  I have to do a bit more research, and probably attend an introductory seminar, and then make some sort of decision.  This is something I have to decide in my own time, by myself.  So, those friends who are pushing it, knock it off!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

I survived most of Labor Day weekend.  It started with weigh in on Friday, down 1.8, so I am back to a "loss".  Saturday, we went to the Stormville flea market.  I'm not sure, but there didn't seem to be as many vendors as normal.  Could have been many were effected by Irene, or the problems with some of the roads.  Who knows.  I was looking for kitchen knives, and there was only one vendor there selling them.  So, I didn't get to compare prices.  If I wanted to get them, I had to pay what the one vendor was selling them for.  I ended up with a paring knife, and a small kitchen carving knife.  Oh well.  Then, a Renegades game.  They lost, but the fireworks were impressive.  Sunday, went to church, still not sure about the new pastor, then off to the Woodstock/New Paltz Arts and Crafts festival.  That was really disappointing.  To start with, it was really humid, and being in the vendor tents was torture.  I was looking for something to send to my mom for her birthday.  Several of the vendors we have bought from in the past weren't there.  (again, I wonder how much of this was due to the hurricane?).  I did find some a pretty "paper bead" necklace and matching earrings. So, that will go out tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.  My knees haven't been cooperating with me lately.  So, we'll see what he says.  Yeah, I know, lose weight, and your knees won't hurt, but that's easier said than done.  Which also leads me to confess to considering weight loss surgery.  I still don't know if I really want to do it, but I am so tired of struggling to lose weight, and the minute I stop being vigilant, I gain it right back.  I know, with the surgery, I will have to be super vigilant, but if I eat the wrong thing or too much, I will be in physical pain.  It's something to think about seriously, and I'm not sure if I really want to go down that route, but it is an option, and right now, I'm not ruling it out.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Surviving the Hurricane, and the drive home

At #1 daughter's we got A LOT of rain on Sunday.  There was some flooding, but her abode stayed dried.  A few streets started flooding and were getting worse when we decided to return to her apartment.  Then hubby and I started looking at flood/hurricane damage for our route home.  The NYS thruway was closed in several places, due to flooding.  Okay, so we were waiting until Monday to leave, anyway.  Monday morning, there was "just a 40 mile section" on I90 that was still closed. Silly us, we decided to head out THAT DIRECTION, because, how bad could it be?  Miserable?  It took 2 1/2 hours to go 3 miles on the highway before we even exited.  Then it took another 3 hours to take the "detour".  After we got home, a total of 9 1/2 hours after we left (it's normally a 3 1/2 hour drive), we noticed that instead of diverting all the traffic onto 2 lane roads that wind through towns, they have now closed the thruway and diverted traffic onto OTHER INTERSTATES!  Hind sight being what it is, we should have taken another route, but when we passed the exit before the closure, there wasn't any traffic!  Yeah, because it was all stuck in the mess to get off.

Anyway, once we got back on the thruway, after the closed section, there wasn't any more trouble.  We got off before it was closed again (one exit past ours, but it is 15 miles away, so our exit wasn't impacted).  But we did make a note of how long the traffic going west was snarled, before getting off at their closure point.  Traffic was snarled for at least 6 miles.  No wonder they finally realized that taking all of I90's traffic through these little towns wasn't working.

Last night was definitely a "wine" evening.  Not so good for the program, but definitely good for the attitude.

So, we're back home.  I'm trying to rally myself to go to the gym.  I know I'll feel better about my joints and whatnot if I go, but right now, I don't have the energy.  Maybe in a bit.  I'm just wondering when things will ever get back into a "normal" mode?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

earthquakes and hurricanes, oh my!

We are sitting at daughter #1's apartment, waiting for Hurricane Irene to get here (actually home) and blow through.  It's going to be a dangerous storm because the ground has been saturated with record amounts of rain this month.  Hopefully, we won't lose power, and will be able to make the trip from Rome (NY) back home on Monday with little or no "issues".

Last week wasn't a good week.  We ate out, a lot, went to 2 Renegade's games and then came upstate to go to the State Fair with daughter #1.  And we're going to wait out the hurricane here, so that means another night of eating out.  Hopefully, we can get back to normal next week.  Cook at home, and stop eating (and drinking) everything that doesn't move.

Daughter #2 is at school, and they have been warned not to travel south or east -- into the storm's path.  I will be grateful when this is all over.  Oh yeah, there was an earthquake last week, centered in Virginia, which some people in our area felt.  I did not, but Hubby did.  Okay, what else is going to happen before the end of Augusst??

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quiet time

It's really quiet here today.  J is at college, and there is no one here to watch upteen hours of inane cartoons or silly reality shows.  It's a little lonely, but mostly, it's just quiet.  I talked to her this morning, and she's doing okay, although, I could hear the tears starting as I was saying good-bye.  Her classes start on Wednesday, and hopefully she won't be as homesick when she gets into her routine.

I finished another book, went to the gym, and have basically done nothing with myself the rest of the day.  I'm having dinner with an old friend tonight. (The friendship is old, not the friend!)  And then plan this coming weekend with the other daughter.

Changes, and adjustments.  It's been that type of year so far.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

J's last day before college

J, #2 daughter is leaving for college tomorrow.  Both of us are fighting the tears.  She's sad, because she doesn't want to grow up.  I'm sad, mainly because my "buddy" is leaving.  We would drag one or the other for walks after school.  To Dunkin Donuts, to Dairy Queen to the coffee shop, or just around the block.  And now, she's going to college, and I will get to spend my afternoons without her.  I know, it's part of growing up, but I never realized how much this would hurt.  Yes, it hurt when the oldest daughter left for college that first time, but she had been such a pain for the weeks leading up to her going, that it didn't hit me until she had been gone for a week or so.  And I also had J to keep me company.  But that will all change in the next 24 hours.  Soon, it will be hubby and me, just the two of us, 8 months out of the year.   We haven't been alone for any extended period of time since before they were born.  It's going to take some getting used to!

On another note, weigh in was last night.  I lost 2.2 pounds, so I guess perseverance does pay off.  And my normal leader wasn't there.  Sure the woman who filled in was okay, but doesn't have the personality that the regular leader has.  And once we get the kid settled in (and drive the 3 hours home), I have to get back into planning and cooking dinners and make sure I have what I need in the house.  AND NO JUNK FOOD!

The next two weeks will be challenging, then school starts, and I'll be able to get back to work.  Next weekend, we're going to #1 daughter's and go to the NY State fair.  The following weekend is Labor Day weekend, and we've got tickets to a couple Renegades games.  Then, it's our anniversary.  This year, our anniversary is 9/10/11.  Like I planned that 28 years ago!  So, while the daily routine may get back to normal, the weekends are still fairly booked.  And I thought I'd be able to get something done around the house.  Yeah, right!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, Thursday

We're supposed to go to the Renegades game tonight, but it doesn't look promising.  The Renegades are the local minor league baseball team.  They are in the short season rookie league, so while the baseball is fun to watch, it's the other things that go on at the stadium that are even more fun.  The last 2 games we've tried to see have been rained out, so I'm hopeful that this one will go, even though thunderstorms are promised for tonight.

It's been a so-so type of week.  We were at the amusement park for Saturday, drove home on Sunday, and the weekdays have been spent getting the kid ready to move into her dorm on Sunday.  Yep, next week, hubby and I will be "empty nesters".  In one way, I'm looking forward to it, but in another, it's going to seem so strange.  We've had kids in the house for 22+ years now, and it's going to be very quiet.  Not to mention no marathon TV sessions of America's Next Top Model or Bridezillas!

After our anniversary weekend -- it's 9/10/11 (how cool is that?) I want to start getting rid of some of the old, broken, worn out things the girls have "stored" over the years.  Yeah, easier said than done.

For our anniversary, we're going to go to Lake George, all by ourselves.  Something new and exciting. We haven't taken a weekend to ourselves since the kids were born.  Now, it's going to be time to rediscover each other.  And maybe spend some time on myself, instead of everyone else.

Weigh in is tomorrow. Let's see how I did this week.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rainy Sunday

Okay, so last week, we were going to go to Knoebels on Sunday and come home Tuesday.  Then, the weather decided to get lousy, so we changed plans and left on Friday and came home today.  For those who don't know what "Knoebels" is, it's an amusement park, in the middle of Nowhere, PA, which still charges a "pay-as-you-ride" fee.  During the week, you can get a wristband to ride all day, but you can still get the tickets to pay for individual rides.  And since, I'm a middle-aged lady, whose knees don't always want to get into various ride cars, this makes it nice, because I don't have to pay $40+ to sit and watch my kids ride the rides.  We got there about noon on Friday, after being stuck on I80 for at least a half an hour in one of PennDOTs lane closures. *We've lived in NYS for 28 years, and being from Ohio, we have traveled on I80 for just about every one of those 28 years.  And I80 has been under construction at some point or other EVERY single one of those 28 years.  And because there is a LOT of traffic on I80, a lane closure backs up traffic FOR MILES!*  We purchased a wristband for #2 daughter, (#1 daughter was working and didn't join us) and bought a $20 booklet of tickets for hubby and me.  We were at the park for about 7 hours.  I think I did really well ~ food wise.  I didn't get anything that was fried, but I did have an ice cream cone.  Saturday, we went back to the park, but spent the first hour or so in their Crystal Pool.  The pool is fed by a spring, and is a bit chilly.  #2 daughter road a few rides.  By 3 PM, we were tired, and the skies were getting ready to open up.  We went shopping in Shamokin Dam, PA, had dinner, then returned to the motel.  #2 and I went swimming in the motel's pool, and the hot tub was just the ticket for my sore knees.

The trip home was uneventful, but we were trying to get home before a big line of thunderstorms made driving miserable.  Which we did.  Now, to get back to journaling and staying on program for the rest of this week.  I ran to weigh in on Thursday, before we left, and was UP another 0.8 lb.  Yeah, it's getting really discouraging.  So, while I wasn't watching everything while we were gone, I was trying to make good choices, except for my ice cream cone (in a pretzel cone -- excellent, try one if you get a chance).  It's back to reality this week.

#2 daughter leaves for college next Sunday, so this week will be a whirlwind of packing, making sure she has everything and getting everything into the car. I plan to go to the gym in the morning (it really does help my knees feel more "normal") and then weigh in on Friday.  The following weekend, we're going to visit #1 daughter and go to the NYS fair.  Oh goodie!  more fair food!  We've got tickets for several more Renegades' games, so it's going to be a concentrated effort to stay on program.

Hopefully, September will bring some sort of normality.  Yeah, right!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I can't believe how fast August is speeding past.  It's already the 9th, and I'm thinking "how did that happen?"  Seems like this summer is blowing by faster than I can keep up with it.  Today, the weather can't decide if it's going to be sunny or cloudy.  Right  now, the sun is winning, but I don't know if that's going to last.

Anyhow, I've made it to the gym for the past 2 days.  While not a "record" it's certainly a start.  Do I feel better after spending a half hour on an exercise bike?  I think that I do.  I'm not as stiff and my knees aren't quite so achy.  Does this mean that I'm going to make this a habit and go more days than not?  I'd like to think so, but who knows what my motivation may be in a month.  School starts in about a month, and while I no longer have children in the public school system, I still work for them.  I'd like to think that my motivation will stay strong once school reopens and I'm working most days, but I can't promise that, because I know in the past, it takes some time getting back into the getting up at 5:00 AM, working on day with "lovely" teenagers, then trying to find the energy to go exercise.  We'll see.  It's still a month away.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Another Sunday morning

Another Sunday morning, and I should have gone to church, but my knees are bothering me, and my eyes have been so itchy lately that I decided to stay home this morning.  I feel better when I go to church, but I couldn't get myself going this morning.

So, here I sit and type and complain about this and that.  Today is hubby's birthday.  I don't know what we are doing for lunch and/or dinner.  He doesn't know either.  Traditionally, we would go out to dinner, but right now, he's investigating various restaurants in the area, trying to find something "new and different" to us.  We also have to go shopping, because after being married for almost 28 years, he's got most of what he wants, and this year especially, both of us have had a hard time trying to figure out "what we want".  Neither of us want or need and "doodads".  We need to purge our house and get rid of stuff we no longer need, want or use.  So that's the biggest part of the problem, what do we need?  And where do you put it?

Along with birthdays, comes cake.  He picked out a cheesecake as his birthday cake.  Which is fine by me.  It's a small cake, so that's also good.  My major problem, other than just plain eating too much, is sweets.  So, I'm going to have to be really vigilant to make sure that I only have one, small piece of this cheesecake.  Also for his birthday, we had tickets to the Renegades game.  Which can also be a major tempter.  However, we got a big storm last night, and the game was rained out.  So that worked out okay.

Now we come to the weigh in on Thursday.  Yeah, I had to go on Thursday (again) because we were going to a neighboring county fair on Friday, and didn't know if we would get home on time.  We did, but that's beside the point.  I gained 0.6 lb.  WTF?  How did that happen?  It is so frustrating when you track, stay on program and go to the gym, and then still gain weight!  So, I'm trying to be vigilant and not go over my points target, but it's hard, and it gets disheartening when you are trying your best, and you gain weight!  I've been struggling with my weight since I was 7 years old, so this is especially a kick in the pants for me.  Quitting is not an alternative.  I have too many health issues that become real issues if I don't watch what I'm eating.  OTOH after gaining (okay, a very small amount) over the last 2 weeks, I'm wondering if it's worth it.  The answer for the long run, is yes, it's worth it.  But not having ice cream in Lake George (at all)?  Not having a big slice of cheesecake for hubby's birthday?  I know, I know, I'm still down more than I gained, but like I said, it's discouraging and doesn't lend for a positive attitude.  I'm trying, I really am.

At least the sun finally came out.  Maybe it won't be a dreary day after all.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I actually went back on program with a vengeance on Tuesday.  I went to the gym, and did 45 minutes on the exercise bike.  We didn't have much fruit in the house, so I just drank lots and lots of Crystal Lite!  We went to the store last night, and stocked up on fruit, so I shouldn't be hungry today.

#2 daughter has a doctor's appointment this afternoon, and even though, she's 18, she still wants me to go with her.  Joy.  Oh well, pretty soon, she won't need me, and that will be something to get used to.

This week has been a little easier than last week, but we'll see.  I've said it before that I don't want to be just a number on the scale, but it does effect how I feel about myself.  In the past couple of weeks, I've regained some of the control over my eating, I've started going to the gym more regularly, and I'm actually starting to feel better about myself.  Not 100% there yet, but it's a start.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Home again

Well, I made it through a 4 day weekend at Lake George.  I stopped journaling my food after the second day, so I don't know how many points I consumed, but I did try to make healthy choices when we had meals.  I also have to say that I didn't have ANY ice cream while we were there.  I did have a small serving (what they consider to be a small serving, anyway) of Strawberry Italian Ice.  Most of the time when we stopped for ice cream, I was still full from dinner, and being in pain from overeating just isn't "fun" anymore.  I also was reminded exactly how out of shape I am in (or not in, as the case may be), walking up all the hills in the village of Lake George.

So, while I wasn't perfect, I still did better than I would have not paying attention to what I was eating.  Now, we're back home, and I'm back to my program.  I will go to the gym tomorrow morning and write down the food that I put in my face.  I really wish I didn't have to do this all the time, but then I'm not too keen on what happens when I don't pay attention.

So, now, it's August, and #2 daughter goes off to school in less than 3 weeks.  Hubby and I will be home alone for the first time in 22+ years.  It will be interesting!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Lake George, day 1

I made it through the first day of vacation, and I've stayed on program.  We went to Golden Corral for dinner, and I didn't eat anything shiny or fried!  I had fruit for dessert, okay, I had a little whipped topping on my strawberries, but that's it.  Yeah, I ate more than I needed to, but I think I've stayed w/in my daily points allotment.  Woo Hoo!

We left almost on time this morning.  If we hadn't forgotten a few things and had to drive around the block and go back home a couple of times, we would have been about 5 minutes ahead of schedule.  It ended up being about 15 minutes later than we planned to leave, but that's pretty good.  Traffic wasn't too bad, and we got to Warrensburg around lunchtime.  Hubby had picked out a little bistro that serves fresh, health food.  I had a veggie wrap.  Lots of fresh greens, tomatoes, and some feta cheese.  Very delicious. So, if you ever want a good lunch in Warrensburg, NY go to Willow's Bistro on Main Street.

Then we went to the garnet mine. Many of the mountains in the Adirondacks are rich in garnets.  Gore Mountain has a ski resort on one side and the garnet mine 'round the other side.  We picked up several interesting chunks of garnet, but didn't even collect a pound of rocks!  I also replaced a pair of earrings that I had lost.  Of course, by the time we were checking out at the mine's gift store, it had started raining.  Gotta love driving through the mountains in the rain.  Not so much.

Checked into the motel and watched it rain for a couple hours.  #1 daughter joined us in the evening and we went to dinner.  I think I did okay, but could have done a little more walking.  But like I said, it started raining, and we just sorta sat around and watched it rain.

Tomorrow, hubby and I will take the 2 1/2 hour cruise on the lake.  It should be nice.  The girls are going to Great Escape (a Six Flags amusement park).  I hope they don't kill each other!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

weigh in

I weighed in tonight, and was up a pound.  Yeah, WTF?  Who knows why?  So, next week, the scale should "make it up" to me.  That means I have to stay diligent this weekend while we are in Lake George.  Oh, it's so frustrating.  Granted, I weighed in a day early, but I don't think it's that.  E could be retaining water.  Okay, enough feeling sorry for myself.  It happened.  It happens.  It's one pound. It's not 5!

So, I'm starting my new week tomorrow.  Goals for this week:
1.  Keep track of all points while in Lake George this weekend, and continue until next weigh in.
2.  Move as much as possible.  WALK!
3.  Ice cream - ONE time on vacation.  I really can't not have any, better make it good.
4.  Drink lots of liquids.
5.  Get to the gym Tuesday!  (We're coming back on Monday).
6.  No shiny foods!

I'll let you know how I do.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I went to the gym this afternoon today.  I met a friend there, and walking on the treadmill goes a lot faster when you can talk to someone.  But what I don't get is that my knees started protesting, when I didn't go this morning after dropping #2 daughter at her class.  And after I finally did exercise, the knees didn't feel any better.  So what's the deal?  Do I have to go in the morning?  That's not possible during the school year, when I work as a substitute teacher, but I can do it now.

Tomorrow, I have to take hubby to work, then go get an oil change for my car.  Then I will be able to go to the gym.  It shouldn't have the same effects, since I will get there in the morning.  Ugh.  Then lunch with a friend.

Weigh in #2 is tomorrow as well, since we are going upstate on Friday.

Short post today, but not much to say.  Oh well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another rainy day

It rained again today, but not an all day thing like yesterday.  I can't complain, because we need the rain.  I've been reading, a lot, these past couple of days.  I usually don't eat when I'm reading, so that's a plus.  On the other hand, I'm not moving much either.  I do stop reading to cook, so I'm making healthy suppers for the family.

I went to the gym again this morning, but forgot to take my meds before I went.  So, while I felt good with the exercising, my knees started to hurt about mid afternoon, and I couldn't figure out why.  And sitting in my weekly "pill container", today's meds were staring at me.  Duh, no wonder my knees hurt.  I'm taking a prescription anti-inflammatory medication, which really does help.  And the one pill a day sure beats taking ibuprofen several times a day!  So, I did finally take the medication, and it's starting to kick in.  I may have to take hubby to work, so #2 daughter can have the car tomorrow.  Which means getting out of bed, getting dressed, and getting to the gym a lot earlier than what I've been doing.  Yeah, the motivation is really lacking this summer.

Since we are going to Lake George on Friday, I'll have to weigh in on Thursday.  The same leader does both meetings, but the people aren't the same.  Many of the people I had been seeing at my Friday meeting have dropped out for the summer.  Oh well.  I know, that if I don't go to a meeting, I will let things start slipping, "because I have another week before I weigh in".  And once it starts slipping, it is so hard to pull myself back to doing the program.  I can go away on vacation and stay on program.  I know, I've done it before.  But, if I let myself slide and not count everything this week, I know I won't stay on program while we're on our 4 day weekend.  And that's been my problem this spring/summer.  I started to let it slide, and then stopped going to meetings and ended up gaining 15 pounds.

So, here's to a continued "on program" week, and a good start to our weekend away.  I can't do it, I just have to work at it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, Monday

I survived the reunion on program.  I sampled a little bit of everything, but didn't make a pig of myself.  I left the chocolate chip cookies on the table!  Big surprise there.  They weren't even calling my name.  I did have a small slice of chocolate mousse cake, but that was my "splurge".  It was fun to see my "camp" friends and to talk more than eat.  And it turns out that one of my friends was also a WW member (lifetime, but still on program).  She helped a lot.  So, after "surviving" the BBQ reunion, I have to stay focused for the rest of this week.  The family is going to Lake George on Friday, and there are several ice cream places that the kids like to visit.  Stay focused and get it done.

Anyway, I made it to the gym again this morning.  I'm finding that my knees don't hurt nearly as much when I go vs. when I don't go.  That should be motivation enough to get my butt there more often.  So, my plan is to go Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  Then on Friday, we'll be heading to the Adirondacks.

Contrary to the song, "Rainy Days and Mondays" don't get me down.  It's raining today, and it feels wonderful!  The heat from last week has broken.

Friday, July 22, 2011

First weigh in

Today ended my first week back on program.  Weigh in was "good", I lost 6 pounds!  I guess when you put it on quickly, it comes off a little easier.  It was very hot this week, so I drank a lot of liquids, which probably helped.  I went to the gym 3 times, which is more than I've been for the last 2 months, combined.

I have a big challenge this weekend.  On Sunday, a group of former girl scout camp staff will get together for a reunion.  Our camp was cancelled back in 2003, but we still like to get together on occasion.  So, what's the problem?  It's a pot luck, and the hosts are serving Mojitos.   I'm taking a lightened up jello-type salad, and I have seen what other people are bringing.  So, I can really plan ahead.  The problem comes when we sit around and talk, and the food is right there.  If it's really hot, I'll bite the bullet and go swimming (the host has a pool, so that's a plus).  I may also take a half gallon of Crystal Light, so I have guzzle that instead of high caloric drinks.  We'll see.  I really want to see people I haven't seen in several years, so maybe just the people will keep my hands out of the snacks!  Besides, I had a great week this week, and I really don't wan to lose my momentum.  I will let you know how I do.

#2 daughter had wanted to hike up the mountain that is about 5 miles to our south this weekend.  But she just got invited to another graduation party on Saturday.  So, I guess we put that off for a couple weeks.  Next weekend, we're taking a 4 day weekend to Lake George, which is one of my favorite places.  #1 daughter will join us, so it should be a lot of fun.  The ice cream is what is going to be a problem there.  But, we'll see.  I have gone there and not had to have ice cream every night!  So, I know it can be done.  Which means I'll be weighing in on Thursday this coming week.

So, I guess that's a bit of motivation for staying on (or close) to program at the BBQ on Sunday.  Plus the fact that I really don't want to get into the "I've blown it" mentality this soon after restarting.

Guess I'll spend tomorrow morning planning meals for the week and getting a grocery list together.  I have to restock my supply of fruit, because that is what is getting me through some hard spots.

Hang in there, I can do this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Harry Potter

So, we went to see Harry Potter 7.2 at the drive in last night.  It was interesting to watch a dark movie on the screen and try to make out what was happening at times.  Otherwise, I think it was a good ending to the series, although, JK did leave it open to write about Harry and gang's children.  And as tempting as it was, I "only" had a small popcorn.  The first few weeks of a restart seem to be the easiest.  I don't want the junk food.  I want to stay on program and don't have to fight myself about wanted "something".  I will cook dinners, which is a big part of my staying on program.  When we go out to dinner, I have a hard time staying focused and/or wanting to order something that will aid my weight loss journey, as opposed to sabotaging my efforts.  This week, fruit has been my "savior", as far as the go to food when I "want" something.  Fruit now has 0 points, so it's very helpful to have a lot of it on hand.

This process is a rediscovery of what I am, and how I want to live.  I'm feeling a bit more energetic, although, the heat of the last couple of days is really zapping what energy I'm finding from eating right.  My knees still hurt, a lot, but I know after 10+ pounds lost, they also will start to feel better.  I'm trying to get to the gym every other day.  Making a goal of going every day is a bit unrealistic, and likely to cause me to give up (again).  Giving up really isn't an option, because eating "correctly" helps to keep various health issues at bay.  It's just that sometimes, I really just want to throw in the towel.  I'm not at that point right now, but I know it's lurking around the corner.

I am meeting my friend at the gym this morning, so at least I will get some exercise in today.  It's supposed to get up to 95+ with a wicked heat index.  I do enjoy summer, but this heat is something that I do not enjoy at all.

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011. It's hot

I just noticed that I had put last year's date on all previous posts.  What's up with that?  I wasn't in a better place last year, so who knows.  Anyway, it's hot.  It's also getting more and more humid.  There are supposed to be thunderstorms later tonight, but they won't clear out the humidity.  I don't like it when it's this hot out.

The good thing about it being hot is that I drink a lot of liquids.  Mostly water with some Crystal Lite or iced tea thrown in for good measure.  Which means I'm in the bathroom a lot.  I know, TMI, but hey it's true.  I also don't feel like eating as much as I've been known to do.

I did make it to the gym this morning.  I did a half hour on the exercise bike.  Which is basically starting over.  It sucks, but it is what it is.  Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, but if it's this miserable, chances are I won't be trekking to the gym.  I'm meeting a friend on Wednesday, so I know I'll go then.

Otherwise, it's been a decent on program day.  I tried a new recipe for dinner, and while it was okay, I doubt if I'll make it again.  Too much work, for something that isn't really good.

Until tomorrow. . .

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2010 Hungry today

I was really hungry today, and don't know why.  I guess, not enough snacks.  We ran errands, which meant shopping and loading and unloading the car.  It's really hot out today, so no "real" exercise.  I'm not going to count the schlepping groceries and college supplies, since it didn't take that long.

I did plan my dinners for the next week, and actually bought the groceries I need to cook them.  Hopefully, that will help stay on program, if nothing else.  We also started shopping for the things daughter #2 will need for her dorm at college.  I am not ready for this (her going away to college).

Tonight I made pork chops with red cabbage and apples.  Very tasty.  I'm not up to posting recipes, although, I'll try to do so in the future.  I think I got this particular recipe  from Taste of Home's Fast and Healthy magazine.  I find a lot of good recipes there.  They also give the nutritional info for all their recipes in this magazine, so it's easy to convert to WW or whatever other program you are using.

It's getting sticky in the house, even with the AC on.  I guess this week is going to be quite warm, which will help with the fluid intake.  I'm going to try to go to the gym tomorrow morning.  There is nothing scheduled, so there really won't be any excuse, other than it's hot out.

2 days done.  I'm hoping not to be so hungry tomorrow.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16, 2010. Day 1

Okay, so it's Saturday.  My daughter wanted to go shopping at the Palisades Mall.  Okay, this is a HUGE mall, 4 stories, with lots of stores.  It is also an hour or more away.  She didn't get up until 9:30, and we didn't get moving until 11 AM.  Which meant that we hit a lot of traffic on the way down.  The mall wasn't too crowded, and we had lunch (I stayed on program -- major victory for me right now) and then walked around all 4 levels.  I wasn't inspired, but like I said, I don't like myself very much right now, so shopping isn't a lot of fun.  Daughter got a new phone.  Hers was on it's last legs -- the battery would last about 2 hours, and the screen is so scratched, that I can't read it.

Anyway, I've managed to stay on program all day.  I even got some exercise in (yeah, mall walking is considered exercise!).  It's early evening, and I've still got 10 points left.  Go figure.  When I'm good, I'm very bad, but when I'm bad (as far as eating healthy) I'm awful.

Oh yeah, I tried a new flavor of Crystal Lite -- strawberry banana orange.  It's really good, and doesn't leave that sticky feeling in your throat that a lot of the other Crystal Lite flavors do.

One day down, 6 more to go (this week).

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2010 We start again

I have been going to weight watchers off and on since January of 1988.  I started then with a couple of friends from work.  I was at my highest weight of 288 pounds that first weigh in.  Over 9 months, I lost 130 pounds.  I know, it's not good to lose that fast, but that wasn't common knowledge then.  Closing in on my "goal" weight, I got pregnant with my first daughter.  2 years after she was born, I was back to pre-pregnancy weight.  Got pregnant again, miscarried, and then had a successful pregnancy and my second daughter was born.  I can "blame" the weight on pregnancy, but my "baby" just graduated from high school.

Along the way, I've lost huge amounts of poundage.  Then "something" would happen, and I'd go off program and gain it all back.  Okay, I have not gone back to my biggest, the 288 I weighed at my very first WW weigh in, because I've managed to get back on track before I did, but still.

So, anyway, I restarted again last fall, and had managed to lose about 20 pounds when this spring hit.  This spring has been one of the more stressful couple month of my life.  The oldest daughter graduated from college, and was lucky enough to have a job waiting for her when she graduated.  Great, but we had to move her from her college apartment, home, and then to her new apartment in the city where she was going to work.  She has so much stuff, that it took several trips to bring her stuff home, then we rented a cargo van to move her to the new place.  Whew.

After daughter #1 was moved in, daughter #2 had her events start.  She graduated from high school, so there was senior prom, the drama club senior banquet, and graduation itself, which entailed a massive cleaning of the house, since the grandparents were coming.  Then there was a couple birthdays and college orientation for #2.  I think everything is done, for the time being.

So that leads me to tonight.  I went "back" to Weight Watchers, and weighed in for the first time since May.  I had gained 15 pounds.  I know, it was stress eating, and the "see-food" diet.  And I'm getting to the age, where I don't like the up and down, clothes fitting or not, and generally feeling miserable.  So, I'm doing what "everyone else" is doing, and starting a blog about my journey this time.  I'd really like to stop the yo-yo at the scale, and have one set of clothing that fits me, all the time.  I'm not sure what I'm going to write, but this is more cathartic for me and if anyone else wants to read it, great, maybe I can help.

Tonight is the last night before I get really conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth.  I should be planning menus and getting a grocery list together.  Since WW changed last December, most fruits and veggies have zero point (plus).  I need to get the food I can eat in the house and go from there.

I might post my menus or if I find a good recipe.  I don't know how I'm going to do this, but it's like a journal, only anyone who finds it can read it.  Maybe this way, I won't quit when "life happens".

Oh yeah, starting (over) weight is 250.  I get 34 points a day.  Maybe next week, I'll do the measurements.  This is a bit scary, but also by writing it down, here, I can be honest with myself and quit playing stupid head games.

Away we go. . . .